
Dental Care for Baby
Bringing a baby home for the first time is a glorious day for all parents. Then, the worrying begins! We can help alleviate any worries related to dental care for your precious delivery. Here are a few tips.
Gum Care
Just like kids and adults, you should “brush” baby’s gums after feedings. Take your finger and wrap it with a clean, damp washcloth—or some gauze if you have some—and rub it gently across the gum tissue.
First Tooth
This will prove to be a momentous milestone for your baby and your mental health. There are plenty of baby toothbrushes from which to choose, and most options are good as long as the bristles are very soft and sparse. Simply dip the brush into water before brushing; toothpaste is not necessary. Stay strong, as your baby will most likely not like the idea of brushing. If needed, go back to the washcloth method for a while to ease baby into good oral hygiene practices.
New Teeth
New teeth hurt! They start coming in around the ages of six to 12 months, and they don’t stop until around three years old. To help soothe the pain growing teeth can create, rub a clean finger or a cloth (cooled and moist) across them. You should see a total of 20 baby teeth.
Now that your baby is sprouting new teeth, it is time to start using toothpaste and a brush suitable for a child. Be sure to stay away from any toothpaste with fluoride. A very small amount of toothpaste, brushing after very meal, and spitting so as to not swallow the toothpaste will provide the framework for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
Preventing Cavities
Stay as far away from sugar as possible, brush regularly, and be sure to never send your baby to bed with a bottle.
Baby's First Trip to the Dentist
Around six months after the first tooth sprouts, it is time to take your baby on their first trip to the dentist. Checkups will become a crucial part of your routine in the battle against tooth decay. The first trip will probably be the easiest.
Be the Change You Want to See in the World
Your baby will mimic you. It’s important that you set them up with the mindset and tools necessary for good, practical oral hygiene. In the beginning, limited dexterity will be a problem for your baby, so be sure to be there to assist them with brushing.

Kids Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry is our favorite field because we believe that we can make a positive impact that will set a child up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Our compassionate approach to dentistry is particularly important when we provide services to children because they are more often susceptible to fear. We strive to create a pleasant experience.
Healthy Habits
A healthy diet is as important as brushing and flossing every day. So, be sure to keep children away from sugary foods and drinks as much as possible. Practice good brushing and flossing techniques with your children to show them the right and wrong way to take care of their smiles. Consult with the doctors of McDougal Dental if you have any questions, but generally it is a good idea to brush and floss after every meal to instill these behaviors.
Also remember, no toothpaste with fluoride for children under two, and use soft-bristled brushes.
Every six months, no exceptions, with fluoride treatments along with regular cleanings. We also recommend sealants for children.
Just for Kids!
Download this dental fun kit to help prepare your child for a lifetime of good oral hygiene.
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